Building Resilient Communities Summary Report


Democracy Collaborative Report to Anchors for Resilient Communities Partners

This study informs the efforts of Anchors for Resilient Communities (ARC), a multi-year, multi-stakeholder initiative organized to improve community health, wealth and climate resilience in Richmond and East Oakland, California through partnerships with local anchor institutions. Initiated in 2013, Emerald Cities Collaborative and Health Care Without Harm brought together a wide range of partners: including The Democracy Collaborative, Avivar Capital, Kaiser Permanente, the University of California-Berkeley, Dignity Health, The California Endowment (TCE), California Wellness Foundation, the San Francisco Foundation, the Kresge Foundation, and community stakeholders from the TCE Building Healthy Communities Initiative in East Oakland and Richmond to address long-standing problems of economic inequality and public health, as well as rising threats of climate change on community health and well-being.

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Published: 2/2/24

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Language: Spanish