About us

Health Care Without Harm is an international organization dedicated to providing resources, knowledge, and inspiration for the health care sector to help reduce its environmental impact. We have been advocating for the environment and our health since 1996.

Our network

Over three decades, Health Care Without Harm has built the most extensive global network at the intersection of human and planetary health. This network offers our best chance for scaling and sustaining proven climate and health solutions.

Our affiliated network Practice Greenhealth 🡥 is the innovation hub scaling the work of Health Care Without Harm. It is the leading sustainable health care organization, delivering environmental solutions to more than 1,700 hospitals and health systems in the United States and Canada, including the Veterans Administration health system and the Army’s MedCom facilities. Partnership opportunities 🡥 include NGOs, nonprofits, government, academic institutions, and the health care value chain.

1 in 4 health facilities in the United States including 1,700+ members with all 50 states and every type of hospital represented.

Beyond the U.S. and Canada, our global hospital network, Global Green and Healthy Hospitals 🡥, represents over 70,000 hospitals and health centers, treating hundreds and millions of patients in 86 countries.

Health Care Without Harm has regional teams in the United States, Europe, Southeast Asia, and Latin America where staff work on community-based projects as well as national and global initiatives. We also have strategic partnerships with organizations in Australia, Brazil, China, India, Nepal, and South Africa as well as joint projects with the United Nations Development Programme and World Bank.

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