WellSpan-food hub partnership delivers local foods

local food delivery
The Harvest Hub delivering to WellSpan York Hospital (WellSpan).

Food service managers and chefs from three WellSpan facilities were excited to receive their first delivery of Gold Rush apples from McCleaf's Orchard in Biglerville, the organic greenhouse grape tomatoes and slicer tomatoes from Toigo Farms in Carlisle, and the mini cucumbers from SAI Fresh Farms, Inc. of York Springs. They are participating in a pilot local produce purchasing project with the South Central Pennsylvania Harvest Hub.

National Nurse’s Week this year included a special buffet luncheon featuring locally raised apples, grape tomatoes and cucumbers at WellSpan facilities in south central Pennsylvania. Since National Nurse’s Week, the WellSpan facilities have been enjoying Fuji, Cameo, Gold Rush and Golden Delicious apples from McCLeaf’s in addition to the grape tomatoes, slicer tomatoes, and the mini cucumbers in their cafeterias and at other food venues.

Steve Ferguson, WellSpan York Hospital manager of food and nutrition services explains that promotional materials were developed for the cafeterias and other food venues in which the local produce is being served in order “to promote our commitment to local farmers, sustainability efforts, and healthy eating initiatives.” Offering more local produce is part of the initiatives of WellSpan Community Health and Wellness, Wellness Matters, and the WellSpan Sustainability Task Force.

The food hub, housed at the Northern York County School district’s High School in Dillsburg, Penn., markets fruits and vegetables to 11 school districts and one private school in south central Pennsylvania. By adding hospitals to the market portfolio, the food hub will be able to successfully sustain its own operations and provide year-round economic sustainability for local farmers. The hub works with eight different local farms and aggregates and distributes over thirty different fruits and vegetables from these farms.