‘We must act. We must lead’: A physician’s perspective on climate

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“We must act. We must lead. All of us in health care must stand up to use our voices to assure that we are in a
united front and are going to stand up and face this challenge. We in health care must make sustainability our top priority.”
– Lloyd Dean, Dignity Health president and CEO 

Dr. Amy Collins, practicing emergency medicine physician, health care sustainability professional, and senior clinical advisor for Health Care Without Harm, shares insights from clinicians who spoke at the summit and an appeal shared by all of those who practice health.

At the Global Climate and Health Forum, I gathered with other climate and health leaders to engage in conversation about building momentum for climate action to protect health. The day was also a call to health professionals to use their influence, expertise, and trusted voices to advocate for a healthy and sustainable future for their patients, communities, and our planet.

In his plenary address Dignity Health’s president and CEO Lloyd Dean told us, “We must act. We must lead. All of us in health care must stand up to use our voices to assure that we are in a united front and are going to stand up and face this challenge. We in health care must make sustainability our top priority.”

Consistent with our oath to “first, do no harm,” physicians have the moral authority to advocate for environmentally responsible health care and to communicate the health reasons for taking climate action.

As Natalia Linou, United Nations Development Programme policy specialist, stated during a panel session, “We can’t continue to be the doctors who ignore the root cause of illness.”

I hope you join me in becoming part of the solution by signing up for Health Care Without Harm’s Physician Network today.

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