Top 5 food-climate moments from the Global Climate Action Summit

Leaders gathered at the Global Climate Action Summit Sept. 12-14 in San Francisco, where representatives from food service, health care, and cross-sector collaborations demonstrated how food action is climate action.

  1. When sustainable and local food leaders at hospitals showed all the ways they are climate leaders.  
    Kaiser GCAS tweet
  2. When it was revealed how menus and meals are climate action’s best-kept secret for cities, hospitals, schools, and businesses. University of California Davis Health chef Santana Diaz, Alexandra Emmott, San Francisco Unified School District culinary manager, and other panelists discussed how these organizations are uniquely positioned to help reach mitigation targets through policies, procurement, and other strategies.  

    GCAS Center for Livable Future photos
    Peggy Neu, President of the Monday Campaigns, and panel moderator; Alexandra Emmott, San Francisco Unified School District culinary manager; Santana Diaz, University of California Health chef, Christine Seitz, Compass Group vice president of culinary strategies; and Sarah Douglis, The Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation strategic partnerships advisor and Bedford 2020 board member. (Carolyn Hricko)
  3. When leading global investors managing $6.4 trillion called on companies to eliminate deforestation in South American cattle production.
    GCAS Ceres tweet
  4. When a group of dining providers – including hospitals – serving 60 million meals annually joined a cross-sector pledge to serve delicious food while slashing greenhouse gas emissions.
    GCAS Cool Food Pledge tweet
  5. When Alec Baldwin, Jane Goodall, and her toy chimp explained why plant-based diets are better for the planet.
    GCAS Jane Goodall tweet

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