SEC's climate disclosure rule key for advancing climate-smart health care

Contact:, Rob Gough, Climate Communications Manager, Health Care Without Harm

SEC's climate disclosure rule key for advancing climate-smart health care

WASHINGTON (Mar 24, 2022) – The climate disclosure rule proposed this week by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) represents an important step in providing health care systems with the information they need to make informed decisions about their own investments, supply chain, and operations – particularly as they work to transition to low-carbon, climate-resilient health care, fueled by clean, renewable energy.

The rule, Enhancement and Standardization of Climate-Related Disclosures, would require all publicly-traded companies to reveal their exposure to climate change risks, as well as their own role in the production of greenhouse gases (GHG).

Statement from Jessica Wolff, Health Care Without Harm U.S. director of climate and health:

"The SEC’s proposed climate disclosure rule comes at an important time for the health care sector, as many of our nation’s health care systems are working to reduce the climate impact of their operations, improve their resiliency in the face of climate-related disasters, and better protect the health of the communities they serve. Given the majority of health systems in the United States are nonprofit, and therefore not required to report under this rule, its greatest significance lies in its relevance to both their resilience and carbon footprint. It will make it possible for health systems to better identify service vulnerabilities and measure and address GHG emissions in their supply chains—the source of over 70% of health care emissions.

The information would also enable health systems to analyze their investment portfolios and make decisions aligned with their own climate goals, healing mission, and commitment to "do no harm."

Requiring public disclosure of greenhouse gas emissions and climate risks is essential to advance the work of the growing number of health institutions working toward zero emissions. With health care expenditures making up nearly 20% of U.S. GDP, health care institutions have a critical role to play in the transition to a low-carbon economy and healthier, more equitable, and resilient communities.

Health Care Without Harm applauds the SEC for proposing a groundbreaking climate disclosure rule. The increased transparency required by this proposed rule is critical to accelerating climate action, improving economic security, and creating a healthier, more sustainable future."

About Health Care Without Harm
Health Care Without Harm seeks to transform health care worldwide so the sector reduces its environmental footprint and becomes a leader in the global movement for environmental health and justice.
