Safer Chemicals Policy Watch: August 2017

Does the world’s top weed killer cause cancer? Trump’s EPA will decide: The fate of glyphosate use, lies in the balance as Administrator Scott Pruitt’s EPA reviews data and decides if and how to regulate it more closely in the United States.

Health Care Without Harm urges EPA to protect programs: Health Care Without Harm sent a letter in July urging EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt to preserve programs that directly support efforts by hospitals across the country to improve their environmental impact.

Environmental Group has deep concerns over nomination of industry consultant to lead EPA toxics program: The recent Trump Administration appointee to head the EPA toxics program has a longstanding history of ties to the chemical industry, raising concerns that his influence could impact the anticipated implementation of the bipartisan overhaul of the Toxics Substance Control Act.

House approves delay of Obama-era smog reductions: In July, the U.S. House of Representatives passed H.R. 806, a bill opposed by more than a dozen major health organizations, that will permanently weaken the Clean Air Act's protections for public health and delay important ozone limits.