Level up your sustainable procurement at CleanMed

CleanMed 2022 procurement image

Health care can help heal the supply chain

At CleanMed 2022 May 10-12 in Kansas City, explore how health care’s collective purchasing power can shape the marketplace, increase demand for sustainable products, and embrace our broader healing mission. Expert speakers offer a roadmap for health care to develop sustainable procurement strategies that prioritize community and environmental health and safety while reducing costs.

Attendees of CleanMed will experience cutting-edge sessions on:

Investing in communities through sustainable procurement
Health care organizations can heal the supply chain and the communities they serve through sustainable and ethical purchasing practices. In this panel, health care experts from hospitals across the country share how.

Navigating data: Meaningful metrics
Measuring sustainability performance can be complex – learn strategies to select meaningful metrics and targets that support and drive your sustainability program.

Healthier hospitals through climate-smart building choices
From drywall to carpets and everything in between, sustainable building materials can help reduce your climate impact and hazardous chemicals. Learn the latest research and strategies to build healthier facilities from the ground up.