How to get started as a health professional advocate for climate policy solutions

Health professionals as climate advocates

Climate change is impacting the health and well-being of people in every region of the United States. If we do not act quickly to transition away from fossil fuels to clean, renewable energy, the long-term effects could be catastrophic. As health professionals, we have an ethical responsibility to take action to protect the health of our patients and communities. As trusted messengers, we also have a unique opportunity to influence public opinion and policymaking in support of climate solutions. Here are some tips and resources to help you get started as a policy advocate.

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Looking for a little inspiration? See how health professionals around the country raised their voices to support the youth-led climate strikes and climate advocacy in 2019.

Nurses: Join the movement to protect patients and communities from the health impacts of climate change with the Nurses Climate Challenge.

Physicians: The Health Care Without Harm Physician Network brings physicians together to share best practices and to inspire one another in advocating for a sustainable and healthy future.

Medical students: Medical Students for a Sustainable Future is a network of medical students who recognize climate change as an urgent threat to health and social justice.