Health care’s leadership crucial in light of climate SCOTUS decision

The decision handed down by the Supreme Court today, limiting the federal government's authority to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from power plants, dealt a heavy blow to our nation’s efforts to fight climate change and protect public health. Reducing these emissions is critical to limiting the heating of our planet and provides health co-benefits – saving tens of thousands of lives in the U.S. every year from premature death related to air pollution.

Statement from Gary Cohen, Health Care Without Harm founder

On a day when we should be celebrating momentum in the health sector's fight against climate change, we are alarmed to see the Supreme Court's latest decision.

Today’s White House event illustrates the power of the private health care sector to protect our health and our planet. 61 health care organizations are acting on their oath to do no harm – these actions are more vital than ever.

We must activate every tool at our disposal to save lives and advance equity and resilience in our communities. 

Health Care Without Harm calls on all health organizations to join us in executing the will of the people and fulfilling your life-saving missions.