Health Care Without Harm takes the stage

We are honored that Health Care Without Harm president and co-founder Gary Cohen has been invited by California Gov. Jerry Brown to speak at the Global Climate Action Summit Sept. 14.

Gary Cohen

Cohen will be speaking alongside Kathy Gerwig, Health Care Without Harm board member and VP of environmental stewardship at Kaiser Permanente, during the session “Health: Where Climate Change Hits Home” on climate commitments to improve health. Cohen and Gerwig will motivate the health care sector to meet their current targets and further raise their climate goals to protect health. We are excited about this opportunity to share health care’s climate leadership with the summit’s distinguished delegates from around the world.

We are delighted Health Care Without Harm board member and University Hospital’s division chief for general pediatrics and adolescent medicine, Dr. Aparna Bole, has also been invited to present at the summit. Bole will be taking the stage during the “Our Clean and Renewable Future” session Sept. 13.

Aparna Bole
Bole has been invited to speak about the health benefits of moving toward a 100 percent renewable energy (100% RE) future. She will also be announcing commitments from the health sector to 100% RE, including from large hospitals with huge carbon footprints as well as from health centers in developing countries that are deploying solar energy to power community health centers and provide people with health care where they have previously not had access.


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