Health Care Without Harm celebrates Senate passage of Inflation Reduction Act

The Senate has just taken a crucial step in addressing the climate crisis with its passage of the historic Inflation Reduction Act of 2022. The bill would make significant investments in climate, environmental justice, clean energy, and jobs and fund critical programs and provisions to improve patient and community health and support health care sector decarbonization and resilience.

The landmark bill moves to the U.S. House of Representatives for final approval before heading to President Biden’s desk to be signed into law – ensuring a healthier, more equitable future for all.

Statement from Gary Cohen, Health Care Without Harm founder:

“This is a historic victory for our climate and the health of our communities. We applaud the Senate for getting us one step closer to building a healthier, more just nation. This legislation addresses the climate crisis with the urgency that science demands – taking critical steps to eliminate air pollution, prevent the most catastrophic impacts of climate change, and lower health care and energy costs for families.

However, this legislation came at a cost to our climate and our health, including some provisions that will keep us more dependent on fossil fuels and increase pollution for already impacted communities. Health Care Without Harm remains committed to working to mitigate the damage and ensure continued progress toward a healthier future for all.

Climate action by the health care sector, which is responsible for 8.5% of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions, is essential to build on this momentum. Our Health Care Climate Council and Practice Greenhealth partners are demonstrating what this sector can achieve by reducing emissions and building more resilient facilities and communities in the face of present and future climate impacts. We need more health care systems, hospitals, and health care professionals to join us in this fight now.”