Health care leaders transitioning to 100% renewable energy

renewable energy

Hospitals, health centers, and health systems around the world are joining with cities, businesses, and higher education to increasingly deploy solar, wind, and other sources of clean, renewable energy.

Health facilities are transitioning to 100 percent clean electricity because:

  1. Renewable energy is healthy energy and protects patients and communities from fossil fuel pollution and climate change.
  2. Renewable energy can save health facilities money by providing a fixed cost for a long-term energy supply.
  3. Onsite renewable energy can help a health facility maintain power when extreme weather hits.

Health Care Without Harm is bringing together health care institutions from around the world to join a multi-sectoral commitment to transition to 100 percent renewable electricity (RE100).

  • To achieve this goal, health institutions must commit to either produce or procure 100 percent renewable electricity for their operations by 2050. Acceptable renewable energy sources include biomass (including biogas), geothermal, solar, water, and wind.
  • Health institutions can share this commitment to going RE100 and pledge to foster climate-smart, low-carbon health care by joining the Health Care Climate Challenge.

Renewable energy leaders

Dr. Renee Salas, Partners HealthCare

Dr. Salas from Partners HealthCare shares why her health system’s commitment to RE100 is critical to her patients' health.


Jeff Thompson, Gundersen Health System

Discover why Gundersen Health System was the first health system to become energy independent by relying on a mix of local renewable energy sources.

Kathy Gerwig, Kaiser Permanente

Hear from Kathy Gerwig, Kaiser Permanente vice president of environmental stewardship, about why Kaiser Permanente made the decision to go RE100 to protect their patients from the health impacts of climate change.

 Easily spread the word with this one-page flyer.

Health care institutions committing to 100 percent renewable electricity:

Current commitments from 21 health care institutions, representing the interests of more than 1,200 hospitals and health centers in 12 countries:

Centre Hospitalier Universitaire – Mohammed VI, Marrakech (Morocco)
Kikonda Health Center III (Uganda)

Kirtipur Hospital (Nepal)
Tilganga Institute of Ophthalmology (Nepal)

Latin America
Hospital Clínica Bíblica (Costa Rica)
Hospital Nacional de Niños, Dr. Carlos Sáenz Hererra (Costa Rica)

Capital Region of Denmark (Denmark)
Radboud University Medical Center (Netherlands)
SCR Piemonte (Italy)
Stockholm County Council (Sweden)
Sussex Community NHS Foundation Trust (UK
Vall Hebron Hospital (Spain)

United States
Advocate Aurora
Boston Medical Center
Gundersen Health System
Kaiser Permanente
Rochester Regional Health System
Partners HealthCare
University of California Health
University of Vermont Medical Center

Counties Manukau Health (New Zealand)