Call on Congress to protect organic standards for hospitals and families

Danger in the corn_Roger Smith

Sign warns of danger in the corn (Roger Smith/Flikr)

The Senate Farm Bill is proposing to virtually eliminate the authority of the National Organic Standards Board which would weaken the organic standard. Health Care Without Harm is deeply alarmed by this threat. The National Organic Standards Board is an independent advisory body that determines which materials can be used in organic farming. It is the heart of the transparent, democratic process that upholds the integrity of the organic seal allowing hospitals to choose this sustainable option.

The Senate Agriculture Committee has received intense pressure from agrichemical lobbyists, and these measures would place corporate interests invested in pesticide sales above the needs of family farmers in your communities. We need your help to ensure continued support for organic in the Farm Bill.

Call the Capitol switchboard:
*Enter your zip code to connect with your senators.

Ask to speak with the staffer who works on agriculture or leave a message with whoever answers the phone. Consider the following talking points:

  • I am calling as a constituent and a health professional / consumer.
  • I urge Senator XX to fully support organic in the Farm Bill. First and foremost, I urge Senator
    XX to oppose any changes to the National Organic Standards Board.
  • Our hospital and my family rely on the organic certification to make food choices in line with our values.

If you have time, additional requests to support organic in the Farm Bill include:

  • The committee should not lessen support for this important program but should take measures to further strengthen it by:
    • Fully funding organic certification cost-share
    • Increase funding for the Organic Research & Extension Initiative to $50 million
    • Fully funding conservation agriculture programs, including the Conservation Stewardship Program
    • Supporting a provision to devote $50 million to public plant breeding to improve organic farmers’ access to seeds
    • Supporting U.S. organic market opportunity by stopping organic import fraud by increasing funding the National Organic Program and import data tracking and enforcement


The science is clear that organic food and farming protects eaters, farmers, farmworkers, and rural communities from exposure to toxic pesticides. It conserves water and soil resources. And it’s a climate change solution – it emits fewer greenhouse gases than industrial agriculture and builds healthy soil that traps carbon in the ground, where it belongs. Organic farming also improves farmers’ incomes and boosts rural economies.

Led by Senator Pat Roberts, the Senate Agriculture Committee is considering Farm Bill legislation that would change the structure and authority of the National Organic Standards Board (NOSB). The board is made up of 15 dedicated public volunteers and experts from across the organic community. The board advises the secretary of agriculture on a wide variety of topics related to organic standards, including what materials should be allowed in organic farming. The board currently has statutory authority to keep toxic substances out of organic production.

The organic standards must remain strong to ensure trust in the label and to create a level playing field for the vast majority of organic farms and businesses that are operating under these important guidelines.

Learn more about the Farm Bill

Engage your senator on social media

Key legislators

Senate Agriculture Committee democrats

Michigan - @SenStabenow
Colorado - @SenBennetCO
New York - @SenGillibrand
Indiana -  @SenDonnelly
Vermont - @SenatorLeahy
North Dakota - @SenatorHeitkamp
Ohio - @SenSherrodBrown
Pennsylvania - @SenBobCasey
Minnesota - @SenAmyKlobuchar
Minnesota - @SenTinaSmith ‏



Sample posts

@SenStabenow, Defend the integrity of the organic standards and the #NOSB in the Farm Bill! #saveorganic #farmbill2018

@SenDonnelly, thank you for your leadership on organic food and farming! We’re looking to you to #saveorganic and defend the #NOSB in the Farm Bill! #farmbill2018

@SenTinaSmith, protect our families and our right to healthy, organic food! Don’t let the Farm Bill decrease the integrity of the organic standards and the #NOSB! #saveorganic #farmbill2018