25 hospitals setting the standard for sustainability in health care

top 25 winners

Practice Greenhealth announced the 2020 recipients of the Top 25 Environmental Excellence Awards, the most prestigious environmental achievement for health care.

Including the Top 25, Practice Greenhealth recognized 421 health care organizations across 10 areas of sustainability through its annual Environmental Excellence Awards. This includes the Circles of Excellence honors to the top 10 hospitals nationwide in each sustainability impact area, Greening the OR Leadership and Recognition Awards, Greenhealth Emerald Awards, Partner for Change and Partner Recognition Awards, Making Medicine Mercury-Free recognition, and System for Change Awards.

While the Top 25 winners range in size from large, urban academic medical centers to rural critical access hospitals, they are all leading the country in addressing the links between the environment and human health. From serving less meat to reducing toxic chemicals to installing life-saving renewable energy sources, these facilities demonstrate the kind of leadership, innovation, and performance that can drive the entire health sector to a healthier future for all. Here’s a snapshot of just one way each of these Top 25 winners are shaping that future...

Read the full story at Practice Greenhealth