2019: Empowering health professionals, remembering climate disasters, and celebrating victories

As 2019 comes to a close, we pause to reflect and give thanks. In two short videos, our founder Gary Cohen looks back on the climate and health movement and inspires us to make it stronger than ever before.

Let's build a healthier future together

"The face of the climate crisis is no longer just polar bears and melting ice caps. It’s you. It’s your children. It’s your family. It’s your friends, neighbors, and community."

Giving thanks on Giving Tuesday: December 3 in history

Trespass against us: Read Gary's companion piece, a reflection on the 35th anniversary of the Bhopal disaster"

"On that terrible night 35 years ago, Sunil Verma slept soundly beside his brothers and sister. He awoke suddenly after midnight to choking and screaming around him..." [Continue reading]

Hope in 2019: A year of milestones in the climate and health movement

climate and health

From weekly climate strikes to hospital food trends to groundbreaking reports, 2019 was a landmark year for Health Care Without Harm and the climate and health movement. If this is what we accomplished together in 2019, just imagine what we can do in 2020.

A year to remember and inspire

Be the hope in 2020

climate and health

For nearly 25 years, Health Care Without Harm has supported health care professionals and health systems on the front lines of the climate crisis in order to ensure that you, your family, and families all over the world have the chance at a healthy and equitable future.

Your health and your family’s health are priceless. When you donate to Health Care Without Harm, you are saying you want your health to be taken seriously. When you give to Health Care Without Harm, you are joining a movement of thousands around the world in communities just like your own, calling for clean air, access to healthy food, and for our environments to be free of toxic materials.

A gift of $50 will ensure that our most trusted voices in society, doctors and nurses, continue to fight to make this a reality.

Give today